The Role of Inflammation [Anti-Inflammatories Are A Must!]

The Role of Inflammation [Anti-Inflammatories Are A Must!]

We can’t think about discussing healthy weight gain without addressing anti-inflammatories. Inflammation is your body’s way of fighting against harmful invaders such as infections, injuries, and toxins.

In an attempt to heal itself, your body will release chemicals that activate your immune system. But sometimes it isn’t always a pleasant situation to be in! Inflammation can be annoying especially when it makes you red, bloated, and sore. That’s not cute for anyone.

So, we’ve compiled a list of tips that will help you learn how to fight harmful inflammation cleanly and naturally!

How Inflammation Affects the Gains

Before we dive in, let’s first discuss why excess inflammation can detract from all your weight gain progress. Inflammation can lead to bloating which is not only uncomfortable but distracts from actual weight gain.

Now ladies, we all know bloating can pop up around that dreaded time of the month. If bloating regularly comes and goes for you, this can be confusing when trying to track your weekly gains.

How much of your growth is weight that will stick and weight that will fade? Decreasing inflammation and bloating not only looks better in the mirror but helps ensure your weight gain is healthy and here to stay! 

So, how do you help your body out? Let’s get into it!

How to Combat Inflammation

If you’re anything like us, you didn’t realize your digestive system and inflammation are close cousins. Your digestive system is sensitive and has to fight harder when we consume inflammatory meals such as fried foods, processed meats, and soda.

Now don’t go running out of here just yet, you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite foods. But eating in moderation and adding some new anti-inflammatory foods to your diet will definitely make a difference! 

Try these anti-inflammatory foods the next time you’re at the grocery store!

  • Tomatoes (The real ones, not ketchup)
  • Olive Oil
  • Leafy Vegetables (collard greens, spinach, kale, etc.)
  • Nuts (Yes, trail mix counts!)
  • Fruit
  • Fatty Fish (Salmon and tuna)

  • There are also a few herbs and spices out there that add a super layer of protection for your digestive system.

    • Ginger – The accelerator to your digestive system that also improves immunity.
    • Turmeric – A superfood born of the ginger family that secretly helps relieve PMS symptoms.
    • Maca Root – Rich with fiber, amino acids, and vitamins that boost antioxidants and energy.

    Adding a combination of these foods and herbs will help fight against harmful inflammation and speed up your weight gain journey. That balanced diet food pyramid from grade school is starting to become a lot more important! But the right diet isn’t the only factor to consider.


    Stress Creates a Mess

    High stress levels have also been linked to inflammation which we all know can lead to a multitude of issues like inadequate sleep and loss of motivation to exercise. Your body needs a balance of nutrients, rest, and challenge so you can achieve your body goals.

    Try incorporating stress-relieving activities into your daily routine such as yoga, meditation, puzzles, and art. You might even find exercise to be your go-to stress-reliever!

    Get Started and Never Stop

    So you’ve got your updated grocery list, some fresh herbs in your toolbox, and new relaxing activities to try.

    Want to give your body an extra boost?

    Head over to the EatUp shop to order our SuperBody Liquid that is packed full of the ingredients we talked about! It’ll increase your appetite, balance out your gut flora, and revitalize your metabolism.

    Pair that with our Super Maca Root Powder to boost your energy, improve exercise performance, and maintain muscle mass!

    Now that you’re taking all the steps necessary to reduce inflammation, we have to ask…

    How is your immune system doing?

    Interestingly enough, an unhealthy gut can increase your chances of suffering from inflammation so, let’s fix your gut health too. We have the information you need to ensure your immune system is functioning properly and you’re putting on weight in all the right places.

    Start gaining today and keep an eye out for our upcoming blog on gut health!
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